Let How Much show you
how much you
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Key Features
Easy Expenditure Tracking
See all your monthly finances, and breakdown expenditures into customisable categories.
Simple Budget Overview
Set a budget and track your progress throughout each month so that you can stick to it.
Appreciate The Leftovers
See how much you have saved this month and build the balance of your custom Savings Pots.
Know Your Worth
Readily track the balance of all your bank accounts and watch your capital grow.
Log Interest & Bonuses
Effortlessly log your in-credit interest and bonus bank account perks.
Consolidated Regular Transactions
Never wonder what is paid next with all your direct debits and standing orders in one place.
What's inside?

The original concept that evolved into How Much: the Expenditures panel.

The Expenditures panel makes logging and tracking your expenditures easy. With expenditure categories and a concise summary for each month, you can quickly see the health of your finances for the month.

Expenditures - dark mode
Savings - dark mode

An overview of you current and historic savings.

The savings overview gives an extensive summary of your savings. This includes the balance of each of your bank accounts, how much interest and bonuses have been earned, and the monthly totals of your custom savings pots.

What's so different about How Much?

How Much is one of many readily available personal finance tools, so how is it different to the others?

Well, How Much is designed for proactive money management, rather than the reactive behaviour reinforced by other tools. It is designed for those who wish to consider their current and near-future financial situation first and then make the purchase later, rather than the reverse.

For example, one simple but powerful feature of How Much is the ability to input future expenditures. If you know you are going to have dinner with friends next week, or plan on buying something when you go shopping, then you can estimate these expenditures and have your effective remaining budget taken them into account. This allows you to make better informed decisions on other expenditures and manage your money more proactively throughout the month.

If you think this method of proactive money management would suit you, or you simply want to try it out (why not — it's free), then log in!

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